February 26, 2020
Motivation•Spiritual Growth
Waiting On God’s Promises for your Life | What To Do In The Waiting
Hey Guys! This message is titled “Catching Your Tailwind” and will help you learn how you should handle waiting on God’s Promises for your life and what to do in the waiting season.
This video is an opportunity I had recently to preach at a Conference for Young ladies.
It’s all about waiting on God’s Promises for your life and what to do in the waiting. I was so honored to share this Holy Spirit inspired message.
This was my first time EVER preaching and teaching, so I wasn’t planning on sharing it. My mom actually recorded it, without my knowledge. So that answers the question of why the video quality is so poor. Sorry about that.
This is a door that God opened for me. So I’m believing that it’s not just for me. After some friends, family and many of you guys encouraged me to share this, here it is.
I wanted to start with this quote that I
really really love. Anybody know Lisa Bevere?
yeah she’s awesome. If you don’t know her check her out she’s fire and she had this quote. She says “Women that are broken don’t multiply they divide.” I know right? That one hit me too when I first heard it. So I’m gonna say it again. “Women that are broken don’t multiply they divide.”
Essentially when women who are broken or lack confidence and continue to allow other people to divide us as women,
ultimately keeps us from living out our purpose. Whatever it is that we were here to do and fulfill and basically fulfilling our potential.
I was very fortunate to be raised by a really strong awesome woman. Anybody have like phenomenal mom. yeah I know she’s like My mom she’s right over there, her name is Nancy and if you’ve never met her you are missing out. Please meet her because she’s just. She’s like, she’s Shero like. she’s my Hero. She’s mom goals. I’d be lucky to be half the mom she is one day.
But I was raised by a really awesome mom and she just had that thing you know what it’d be like moms who like are magic almost like borderline Mary Poppins you know what I mean. She just knew how to face adversity and trials and she just did it with such ease and she made it look so effortless you know.
I never even saw her sweat. I mean three of us in the 80s and 90s
no cellphones no Instagram Twitter snapchat none of that it was it was
rough like car broke down she carried all three of us to the nearest gas
station. Walking on her two feet it’s like she’s you know deserved a
But essentially she taught me so much and it’s interesting I was
thinking about this as I was preparing and when I was a kid I was super shy. Like super super shy and terrified of basically any human that wasn’t my mom and my dad. Anybody here really shy like a shy introvert awesome also my people okay.
I’m like what they call an introverted extrovert which means I
do love being social but like only for a period of time and then I got to get
away and I need like five days to