December 18, 2016
Intentional Living•Motivation
3 Tips To Find Inspiration & Motivation | How To Get Your Creativity Back
This video will give you 3 Tips To Find Inspiration & Motivation and tell you How to get Your Creativity Back! These are tools and strategies that I use and help me to constantly get inspired and create new ideas. God Bless you all.
Walking Through It During my hike through the Smoky Mountain trails I felt inspired by The Lord to share about the various seasons we walk through in our lives. Sometimes going through the journey is great; it’s amazing. Just like going up a difficult trail. You feel amazing, energized and encouraged....

Hello! I’m Shina
I'm here to help you take steps of faith to live a more purposeful & intentional life with Christ. I love Jesus, healthy living, organization, hiking and building things.
Learn more about me.