September 2, 2020
Intentional Living•Product Reviews
Switching to Natural Deodorant | Native vs Schmidts
The truth is I’ve been wanting to make the big switch to Natural deodorant for some time now. I’d honestly put it off for so long because I felt overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start.
Most of us are now fully aware of the harmful effects that regular deodorant and antiperspirants can have on us.
With ingredients such as aluminum and parabens that have been rumored to potentially cause health issues, it’s obvious my body shouldn’t be absorbing that.
Let alone absorbing toxic ingredients through freshly shaved armpits. Ouch!
Making The Right Choice
Creating an Intentional life with Christ means being intentional about how we treat our bodies; what we put in and on our body. God’s word calls our body a temple (1 Cor.3:16 NIV) and as such we should be more particular about how we treat this temple.
After all, we only get one right?!
Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
1 Corinthians3:16
So, in an effort to practice what I preach, I took my own steps to research and learn more about deodorant. Why deodorant is bad for us, what goes into it and what options do I have for switching to a natural deodorant.
After scowering the internet for resources about Natural deodorant, I decided to make the switch.
I decided to try 3 different natural deodorants over a three month period; so each would have a full month of testing to make it fair.
After that many weeks my body would be able to adapt and I could see whether or not it was working effectively.
Struggling With Sweat
Now! Something to keep in mind for my review. Similar to some people, I have the unfortunate predisposition to sweating. I mean a lot. And trust me, I know how gross it is and as unladylike as it may be, the fact of the matter is that’s how God made me.
I’ve always been envious of the girls who don’t ever sweat. You know, the ones who can exercise and still look as if they just got dressed. Not a drip on them.
Whereas with me, I look like a disgusting sweaty red mess after I run.
As a teenager, I was really self conscious about my sweat stains under my armpits, so I started using an antiperspirant. In hindsight, I knew it couldn’t be good for my body.
After all, it states in the directions that you’ll feel a burning sensation if you put in on immediately after shaving.
But I was a young insecure girl. I didn’t care about how bad it was for me or how painful the burning was. And it really was so painful.
Needless to say, switching to Natural deodorant had me feeling very nervous, because without the right deodorant I get Funky! Really funky.
For the first month of my Natural Deodorant test, I chose Schmidts Rose & Vanilla . I used to flip flop between the Powder scented deodorant from Suave or Dove and I didn’t want to go with something too opposite of that.
So I figured I would really like something with a rose sent and who doesn’t love the smell of vanilla.
Added Benefits
Schmidts Rose & Vanilla has no aluminum, no propylene glycol and no artificial fragrance. It’s also certified Vegan, Cruelty-free and Gluten free.
First Impressions
I immediately loved it! It smelled amazing and it agreed with my body. I only had to apply it once in the morning and I was fresh for the whole day. That’s huge for me!
In my mind this was the Winner for sure!
Unfortunately after about 2 weeks of using Schmidts my armpits were turning a weird color. I kind of figured maybe it was just my body trying to acclimate to it. So I kept using it in hopes that it would subside.
Ok, so as I continued using Schmidts I was horrified and nervous. My armpits were super itchy, dark and had red bumps. It was so strange. I’ve never seen my skin like that.
Ultimately, my skin didn’t respond well to the Schmidts. Anyone who’s used the product knows that it has a kind of sand texture. So the directions specifically tell you to press it up to the armpit, to allow it to warm to the body; then you roll it on.
But no matter how much I let it sit under my armpit and no matter how much it warmed up, the sand like texture just really irritated my skin.
By the end of the month I couldn’t take it anymore.
I was honestly nervous that the darkening of my armpits would be permanent. Fortunately, after I stopped using it, my skin went back to normal.
Thank God!
My final thoughts?…
I absolutely loved Schmidts Rose & Vanilla . It kept me fresher than any deodorant ever has. I felt super dry when I had it on. It didn’t feel heavy or caked on and it didn’t clump up on the armpits of my clothes.
I can’t emphasize how much I loved the product and how effective it was.
But my skin didn’t agree, which was honestly so frustrating. If it wasn’t for the horrible reaction with my skin, I would still be using Schmidts til this day.
Back To The drawing Board
Still disappointed and wishing I could use the Schmidts, I had no choice but to move on to my next Natural deodorant option.

For the second month of my Natural Deodorant test, I chose Native Sandalwood & Vanilla. I really liked the way it smelled. It was nice and fresh.
I was immediately pleased to see that it had a more traditional deodorant texture, compared to the Schmidts sand like texture.
Right off the bat, that was reassuring.
Added Benefits
Native Sandalwood & Vanilla is paraben free, aluminum free and Cruelty-free.
First Impressions
Ok, so the moment I put this stuff on I loved the smell. I knew it was familiar and then I realized I smelled like a cupcake!
I’m not sure if everyone who uses this product would agree, but when it reacted with my skin, I thought I smelled like a cupcake.
And that isn’t a bad thing.
I absolutely LOVED it! I was saying to myself, “I smell like a dang cupcake”. I couldn’t stop smelling myself. hahaha.
And ladies, let me tell you, my husband couldn’t stop smelling me either.
I’m not claiming that this product can enhance your marriage, but I can sincerely tell you that my husband has never directly smelled my armpit before.
And he was loving it. I couldn’t stop laughing. It was such a great feeling to be so fresh and desirable.
Whatever works I guess!
Again, I thought for sure this was the Winner!
But I soon discovered that Native wasn’t keeping me fresh for the entire day when I was more active. After a run or on a really hot day, I was pretty ripe.
And for me that is never good. I quickly go from ripe to completely funky.
I even tried to reapply after different activities or halfway through the day, but it still wasn’t keeping me nearly as fresh as the Schmidts.
My final thoughts?…
I really loved the Native Vanilla & Sandalwood initially, but after about a week it was obvious that it wasn’t long lasting. It couldn’t keep me fresh throughout the day and I didn’t like how much I had to apply under my arm in order to stay as fresh as possible.
I would have to apply so much that my armpit would feel slippery and gunked up.
I didn’t have any bad skin side effects, but I knew that I would be moving on from this one.
Third Time’s The Charm?
For the third month of my Natural deodorant test, I used Native Coconut & Vanilla. I was hesitant to try this one, because although it smelled great, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to smell like coconut all the time.
But my sister in law had raved about it and even purchased a mini travel size for me.
So I gave it a shot.
Added Benefits
Native Coconut & Vanilla is paraben free, aluminum free and Cruelty-free.
First Impressions
I absolutely loved the smell and it went on very smooth. I was pleasantly surprised at how subtle the coconut smell was. I was worried i would go around all day smelling like a dang coconut.
You almost can’t really tell that it’s coconut
But the real test would be to see if it kept me fresh.
100% this thing kept me fresh! I kind of attributed it to whatever odor reducing properties coconut has. But I honestly don’t know.
And I really don’t care because the most important factor is that it kept me so much fresher than the Native Vanilla & Sandalwood.
I can apply it in the morning and feel super fresh.
This is the small travel size in comparison to the regular one. I used a quarter to help give you a reference. It’s so cute and small. Perfect for throwing in your bag.
My Final Thoughts
Again, something to remember is that Native deodorant in general seems to require reapplication after strenuous exercise.
There’s no way around that.
But it’s a really great Natural deodorant for everyday use. And the little mini travel size one that I have is perfect for a hotter more active day that I need to reapply.
And The Winner Is…
Native Coconut & Vanilla is officially my Winner!!
While My favorite is honestly still the Schmidts Rose & Vanilla, the Winner for my skin and best all around is the native Coconut & Vanilla.
I really hope this was helpful for you to jumpstart your Natural deodorant journey.
Let me know in the comments below if you like any of these or if you have any natural deodorants that you think I should try.
Some Evidence
I just wanted to show you guys that I used each of these deodorants all the way to the end. I gave them a full use.

Exciting Product Update!
I’m so excited! I just found out that Native has a new line of Plastic free Deodorant and it includes my Favorite Coconut & Vanilla.
I love Native even more now for taking this big step in helping to reduce the plastic waste.
If you’re like me, always looking for ways to reduce waste, then click the button below.
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